Service Green
Guardians of America's Wilderness.
It's easy to spot Forest Service utility trucks while exploring the great outdoors.
The VERO Service Green sports that same vibrant hue, contrasted with black and brown.

45.25mm Lug to Lug.
Slightly smaller than our standard WORKHORSE watch, the Forest Service features a slightly more low-profile design that sits lower to the wrist.

Charge while you Move.
The Seiko Kinetic Movement inside each Forest Service Edition watch can store up to a six-month charge. Unlike quartz movements that use a battery, kinetic movements use a capacitor to store and rapidly replenish energy with the motion of your wrist.
Track your progress.
With the push of a button, the second-hand switches over to operate as the power reserve indicator. The distance of the sweep indicates the amount of stored energy from one day up to six months.

Learn how to set the date, time, and internal bezel, as well as the power reserve indicator.
See what makes our partnership so important to the preservation of our public lands.