The Smokey '44 and Smokey '64 are feature rich automatic watches, built as a watch Smokey Bear would wear. Both models have a deep brown dial with complimentary components, and the vital message to protect our forests.
VERO is giving 10% of each sale of our Smokey Bear watches right back to the US Forest Service to support their efforts in preserving and protecting our forests for future generations.

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Smokey Bear Reviews
See what our customers and top names in the industry have to say about the official Smokey Bear watches.
Custom Design
"There are fun little elements unique to each model, and each one is made to look fitting to a particular era.
1944 was Smokey’s first official year, so that variant has a more classic look: decorative numerals, cathedral hands, and a basic case back engraving.
1964 was when Smokey got his own ZIP code, so that variant is a touch more modern, and in-line with a field watch of the day."
-Matt Smith-Johnson, Sentient Creative

American Icon
Some generations knew him as "Smokey The Bear", now in recent years, he's changed his name to Smokey Bear. Whatever you may know him as, his message is clear, "Only you can prevent wildfires." His straightforward mission has encouraged countless outdoor lovers in educating themselves on proper fire care and forest conservation opportunities.